Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sexism--on the campaign trail & in real life

Geraldine Ferraro in a letter to the editor in today's NYT writes "as I said before, in this country it's still o.k. to be sexist, but not to be racist." Across the paper from her letter on the Op-Ed is Maureen Dowd writing (in a column entitled: Should Hillary Pretend to be a Flight Attendant?)about all the studies that show men do not want to date smarter women; that smart slightly zaftig women are more attractive--hips=smarter kids; accomplished women hide their accomplishments; women who fuflfill female gender expectations are seen as less competent in the workplace, women who are too macho are "unfeminine" (code for lesbians--can we say homophobia?), angry men are strong, angry women are out of control..
Dowd writes about are stereotypes that MALES have. . .

The question is why are (American) males still sexist? I would have thought that after being raised by a generation of competent single working mother and sisters who played sports that young men would have a better handle on equality.
The second more important question is: How do we rid America of sexism?

Geraldine Ferraro's letter:
Dowd's column:

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