Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Politics of Pile-on Hillary

What do you all think of the "pile-on" Hillary--from the Republicans to the Democrats?
I posted about the debate Tuesday night on my blog (

The boys are playing the gender card against her.

Lisa Belkin wrote about the double standard and mixed messages that women get in the workplace in "The Feminine Critique" this past Thursday in the NYT. Here is the website for that article :

Hillary, though, is maximizing this--her statement yesterday says that her rivals : "aren't piling on because I'm a woman. I think they're piling on because I'm winning."
followed by "I anticipate it's going to get even hotter, and if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen - and I'm very much at home in the kitchen."

Her statement was perfect--she framed the pile-on to her advantage. Remember in her race against Lazio for the NY Senate seat, she won votes when Lazio tried to undermine her and acted 'ungentlemenly.' He drove votes to Hillary! She won not only because of her campaign but because not only did he run an unorganized campaign, most of the money he raised was from out-of-state, and those people do not vote in state. He forgot the most basic rule of any campaign: votes matter!


Dr. JAM said...
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Dr. JAM said...

Maureen Dowd's column today was another take on Hillary and the gender card.

Dr. JAM said...

I removed one comment because it was a duplicate comment.