Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Voting machines

From Andi Novick:
I am writing to those of you who have shown some interest in stopping theft-enabling voting machines and hoping you will give some time or support to this major campaign to sue the State and have concealed software-driven voting machines declared unconstitutional. Sorry for those who I've taken too long getting back to- it was a lot of work to prepare a legal complaint, but it's done. To those of you who didn't offer to help, you're on here because I think you do have an interest and an ability to help get the word out. Here's a two page synopsis of the legal complaint LitigationSummary.pdf (also found at our blog spot, http://re-mediaetc.blogspot.com/ New York VOTERS v. NY State and the State Board of... ) I'm going to be sending a mass email asking people to sign on as plaintiffs. If you would like to be a plaintiff all I'm asking is you agree to take responsibility for circulating the petition I'll be sending (hopefully tomorrow) to many, many people. We want the court to know how serious this issue is and strength in numbers is vital. Each plaintiff should be able to say- I am one person, but I represent 100 citizens, or 1,000 citizens or however many you can get to sign up from your county. Then just keep a list of those from your county, send me the email addresses and when it's time to go to court, try to be there and encourage others to pack the courtroom. A more detailed email will follow up but I wanted to write to you first in the hopes you'd pay more attention and agree to take this part of the campaign on.
And/or we need people who would be willing to post to various blogs and help us get the word out about the lawsuit and what's happening in NY. Here are some very good pieces to help people become informed, but we need to circulate these all over the state. We're working on a list of sites to publish or link to. If you're willing to help with the posting to some sites/blogs that would really help: Here's some articles we should circulate. 1) Eyes Wide Shut, http://re-mediaetc.blogspot.com/2008/07/eyes-wide-shut.html and 2) NY Loves Its Levers as New Systems Fail 3) LET'S CLEAR THE AIR
And we could use readers- those of you who like to surf a bit and find the latest articles- there's a lot of articles in the main stream press re the defective ballot marking devices being delivered to the counties and we need to keep abreast of what's happening out there and circulate that as well. Here are some examples: http://www.poughkeepsiejournal .com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID =/20080627/NEWS01/806270331 /1006 or http://www.newsday.com/news/local/ny-poelec0705,0,2675281.story?track=rss or http://weblogs.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/politics/blog/2008/06/new_li_disabledvoting_machines.html And finally, if any of you know attorneys who might be interested in doing this with me- please send me their names. This labor of patriotism ? is more than one lawyer can do so I'm looking for a few others to handle the army of attorneys that will pile on when we file this suit.

Thanks and please think about taking a piece of this on- it's different than what we normally do in our everyday political work and could have a huge impact. Even without actually prevailing in the litigation ( which I hope we will) lawsuits attract attention and are a good organizing tool. As the ballot marking devices keep coming in defective (see the articles above) the SBOE is going to become increasingly fed up and maybe will return to the federal judge to tell him what we'll be telling a state judge in this lawsuit-- that forcing us to surrender secure functioning lever systems for these pieces of crap (that's what the Commissioner said) is unconstitutional. See the EYES WIDE SHUT piece- this is precisely what's breaking open at the last SBOE meeting. The campaign has to begin and grow now to stop NY before it buys software to count our votes.

Looking forward to hearing from you (and be sure to let me know if you know people in other parts of the state who might be interested).


andi novick
Re-Media Transparency Coalition http://re-mediaetc.blogspot.com/ Northeast Citizens for Responsible Media (Re-Media)

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