Friday, July 18, 2008

Proposed Funding Ruling

The Bush administration is proposing that all healthcare providers receiving federal aid will certify that they will not refuse to hire nurses and other providers who object to abortion and even certain types of birth control (because certain people are defining the beginning of life from when an egg meets sperm). This is one more step away from healthcare providers really providing healthcare for women.
On the flip side, is there support for the children thus conceived so they may have a productive life--you know adequate pre-natal care, healthcare, child care, education???
Under the draft of a proposed rule, hospitals, clinics, researchers and medical schools would have to sign "written certifications" as a prerequisite to getting money under any program run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Voice your opinion directly to the Sec. of HSS:
HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt . Contact Information
Office Phone: 202-690-7000
Email: Fax: 202-690-7203
Correspondence Secretary: 202-690-6392
(Outside of the DC/metro area call tollfree 877-696-6775 -- ask to be transferred to the Secretary's office.)

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