Friday, February 8, 2008

New Report on Domestic Abuse

A new Center for Disease Control (CDC) survey reports that nearly 25% of American women suffer domestic abuse (the figure is almost 12% of men do).
This is the CDC website--they do call this abuse "intimate partner abuse" I will post at another time my feelings about this renaming of battering, and what it does...but I am off to teach :)

1 comment:

From Woodstock said...

This is really an unbelievable figure in today's society.

I know I am supposed to take very seriously abuse of male partners but when I've heard some of the statements made about abuse of males it is usually in reaction to news about the plight of women and the effect often seems to belittle the abuse of women. I guess that is how these abused men feel too - belittled.

However, I think there can be no dispute in acknowledging that women and children remain the biggest segment of the population in victimization world wide - especially in terms of domestic abuse and human trafficking.