Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Blogs & Politicians

Recently there has been a brief e-mail discussion about what Jeremy Blaber puts up on his blog--my comment is that it is his blog, and reflects his opinions re: news and commentary.

Here is an article from CQ Politics (Congressional Quarterly) on how politicians are trying to tap into the blogosphere.

David Balducci's latest book --The Whole Truth (Grand Central Pub., 2008) is about "perception management" or spinning the truth in the age of the internet & multi media (this goes way beyond Wag the Dog.

The internet has a LOT potential, it holds a lot of information and misinformaiton. The object is learning to critically assess the information.

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 22

Today is both EARTH DAY and Equal Pay Day (the day when women's average wages have caught up what the average male earned in 2007!).

Monday, April 14, 2008

UCDW Annual Meeting

Come network and vote tonight 4/14/09 from 6:30 on at Rive Gauche, Fair St. Kingston (Just down from Dem Hdqtrs)....